Who Uses Glen Andrew and Why Should We Care?

Fathers, Sons & Brothers


Bringing generations together to Discover, Learn and Teach life lessons in honor, ethics and integrity. Each lesson learned brings praise and prizes (big squirt guns). Every additional lesson brings more praise (and BIGGER squirt guns).Fathers learn the Legacy they pass on to their Sons.Sons lead their fathers, their families and their teams.Brothers is what they all become.

Family Camp


Bringing Families together to share the trails, the pond, the mountains and streams. Children run wild through the forest and trees, exploring nature and sharing adventures. Mothers and fathers hike through fern groves and discover moss covered giant trees.

Young Men’s Ultimate Weekend


Focusing young men on how to be RIGHT. How to live RIGHT. And how to give RIGHT to their peers.

  • Respectfully
  • Intelligently
  • Gallantly
  • Humoursly
  • Truthfully